What is the true cost of flu in the workplace?
Posted on 2nd June 2021 at 11:48
Flu vaccines could be saving the UK economy up to £28 Billion a year in lost sick days. Data produced by a research team at ICLUK clearly shows how lost days in sick and reduced productivity is having a significant financial impact on businesses in the UK.
Now more than ever before, it is important to get your team vaccinated against the flu virus.
As companies begin to bring the workforces back into the office, even if this is on a reduced number of days, having a plan to immunise all of the teams is essential to reduce the financial impact on the business from absenteeism. It is also as important to support staff with a proactive approach to Health and Wellbeing.
If we look at the most recent data released from the Government on sickness and absence in the UK 2020. It seems to indicate that working from home and the furlough scheme has seen the percentage drop to 1.8% in absenteeism, this is the lowest rate since the data was collected in 1995.
But public transport is already busier, offices are getting back to normal and we have to plan for more of us to be able to interact with each other and make sure everyone is protected.
Protecting your workforce from contracting flu
Flu is highly contagious and like Covid can be spread through tiny airborne vapour particles, when someone coughs or sneezes. Companies will be having new shift patterns in place, layout of desks to conform to social distancing, increased cleaning regimes, but having the additional cover of an annual vaccination programme will significantly support these activities.
Demand is up for flu vaccines!
The recommendation is to get your flu vaccination as well as the Covid vaccine, although the chances of having multiple virus’s is low, you could be in serious trouble if you contracted both a flu virus and Covid.
In a recent article in patient.info “Dr Tomar says that catching two viruses at once can make it harder for your immune system to fend off both at the same time”
There is only a finite amount of flu vaccines produced each year!
Manufacturers only produce a finite number of vaccines each year, after the WHO gives them the data on the worse strains in circulation. They then move production to the southern hemisphere for their flu season, and we need to order your vaccines early to guarantee supplies.
Don’t miss out on your order, book now by calling our team today 01753 911 287.
The Health and Wellbeing of your workforce
How a flu vaccination programme contributes to wellbeing at work?
The April 2021 CIPD annual survey of Senior HR Leaders and people professionals found that the vast majority of respondents (96%) are taking some steps now to manage absence and promote attendance in the workplace.
The survey found there will be a greater expectation online. Managers will need to take a proactive approach using a combination of disciplinary triggers, but also taking a proactive approach with increased emphasis on occupational health and offering employee assisted programmes focussing on Health and Wellbeing.
Supporting your management team through a flu vaccination programme
Approaches to Health and Wellbeing at work continue to evolve and new initiatives and incentives keep opening up to help employees and HR professionals manage sickness and absenteeism.
Booking an annual programme of flu vaccines, lets your employees know you are supporting them in reducing sickness days, and providing an easy to access service in the work place rather than visiting their GPs or Pharmacists.
It’s important to remember, flu vaccines are only available in the UK if provided by an employer as part of a staff benefits programme (unless you are in a vulnerable group, or you pay privately).
What else must business focus on to keep sickness and absenteeism down post lockdown?
1. Make sure there is access to financial advice – some people may have felt the impact of a reduced income with the furlough scheme.
2. Update your support around mental health, anxieties may be high coming back into the office.
3. Have a clear plan on how to support those members of the team with long Covid as they struggle to re-engage with the workplace
4. Update your vaccination programme and book our team in early to guarantee your supply.
Booking with us couldn’t be easier and you are provided with all of the documentation needed to get started today this includes:
Site Contact Fact Sheet – A guide to the process
Flu Vaccination Consent forms
Employee Flu Fact Sheet
Comprehensive instructions to our booking system
Our Terms and Conditions
Covid Fact Sheet.
Let us take the strain and provide a complete vaccination service.
If you’d like to find out more about our Workplace Flu Vaccination Clinics, or get a quote, please get in touch with a member of our team here at Flu Xpress.
Tagged as: Workplace Flu Vaccinations
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