Hepatitis B (Hep B) is an Occupational risk and Employers have a duty of care under the Health & Safety Act to protect their staff by offering the Hep B vaccine. In particular for those employees working in the following sectors:
Special Needs Schools
Healthcare & Care Homes
Prisons & Security
Traveling Abroad
Police, Fire & rescue services
Caretakers, park & garden workers
Waste disposal & recycling workers
Funeral workers
Hep B is an infection of the liver. It is transmitted via infected blood and body fluids. It causes jaundice, anorexia, nausea, an ache in the right abdomen and death.
The virus can be caught from bites and scratches, needles, sexual contact.
Both Public Health England and the British Medical Association recommend employers offer the Hep B vaccine as part of the Health & Safety Act.
The Hep B vaccination Workplace course is typically 3 vaccinations (over 6 months) with a blood test to check immunity. A booster is given after 5 years.
Protect your staff now by running the Flu Xpress Hep B service
Flu Xpress provide the full service at your place of work
The course can start any time of year
Certificates of immunity are provided, to help mitigate risk
Flu Xpress manage and monitor staff records of immunisation
Simple, easy cost-effective service