Pneumonia is one of the biggest killers due to infection and causes over 172,000 hospital admissions every year and over 50,000 adults die of pneumonia every year. It can be caught at any time of year.
You may have the impression that it only affects older people, which is not the case as over 1 in 100 work age adults are affected every year.
Source: Adapted from Almirall J, et al, 2002
Pneumonia will have a dramatic effect on staff absenteeism as typically, an employee would be off work for over 3 weeks with some symptoms such as coughing persisting for longer (over 26% of people). You can think of pneumonia as a very bad case of flu.
Symptoms include: Fever, muscle aches, cough, chest pain, sweating and shivering, sore throat
Flu Xpress Ltd can now provide the latest high-tech pneumonia vaccination using conjugate vaccine technology, which improves the body’s response to the vaccine
The vaccine reduced catching invasive pneumonia by 75%
Reduced community-acquired pneumonia by 47%
It is a one-off vaccination suitable for all staff
The vaccine can be given any time of year
To protect your key workers please fill in the quote form